Bed Bug Prevention For Vacationers

Pest Control

Bed bugs are very annoying and difficult to get rid of. You do not have to worry about getting bitten by them as they do not transmit or carry pathogens that cause diseases. The main fear is getting an infestation in your home. They are tiny and can not be spotted easily, which makes their identification even more challenging. 

These troublemakers make their presence felt by leaving itchy welts on peoples’ skin after biting. They can easily sneak in your luggage and hitch a ride from one place to another. Once infiltrated into your home, they are extremely difficult to get rid of. To effectively deal with an infestation, to tackle pest issues effectively, it’s important to seek services specializing in Pest Control in Flower Mound.

Bed bug prevention tips for vacationers

Wrap your bags in plastic.

Plastic can help you fight these bed bugs. As these insects like porous surfaces and cracks, plastic has none of them. Start your trip by putting your luggage in plastic bags. They have free reign in your flight’s cargo hold. They can travel from bag to bag, and the luggage above yours could be infected. Therefore, make sure you seal your bags properly. 

Check the mattress. 

Before you lie down and take a nap, perform a preliminary check of your mattress. Remove the bed sheet and inspect the mattress thoroughly. Check for mattress seams and box springs. Pay attention to the corners as well. If you find anything suspicious, notify the hotel management or change your room immediately. 

Unpack smartly. 

The first thing to do after checking into a hotel is to leave your luggage in the bathroom. Avoid keeping your items or clothes on the floor, bed, or in the provided drawers. Take your bags to the bathroom, and if there is a bathtub, put your luggage in it. Such areas are less likely for the bed bugs to be. You can also hang your clothes in the closet. Bed bugs will not crawl into your clothes easily there. 

Play detective.

You need to have a little knowledge about these bed bugs in order to stay safe on your trip. You should know what they look like and where they like to hide. They look like a flattened version of cockroaches, are small in size, like an apple’s seed, and are brown. 

They can leave behind wings and tiny black dots of feces as evidence. They feed on during the whole day but are mostly active in the dark, during the night time. Inspect thoroughly and make sure there is no sign of bedbugs in your hotel room. 

Bring out the vacuum. 

Make sure to vacuum your luggage thoroughly before you store them away. It is important to know that these bed bugs and their eggs get killed over temperatures more than 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a heated garment steamer over and inside your luggage. It will help you kill bed bugs that have hitched a ride from the airport to your hotel room.

Following these steps can reduce the possibility of bed bugs hitchhiking on your luggage. However, there is no telling if they will work 100%. It is best to call professional pest control to check. 

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